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Taipei 2004


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   Shopping seems to be hobby no. 1, and therefore plenty of attractions and events take place in and around the major shopping districts, and actually the whole city is one big shopping district. Working hard from Monday to Friday and enjoy the weekends with delicious food and spending the hard earned money for life's pleasures, that's the rhythm of life here. Economic crisis? - Not in Taiwan.

Public transport in Taipei is easy, cheap, comfortable and reliable. This is especially valid for Taipei metro - the MRT (Mass Rail Transit) just load your easy card and go wherever you want as long as there is no earthquake. Hopefully European countries will learn from Taiwan.

   DanShui, translated as "clear water" lies close to the northern coast of Taiwan and is - of course - easily to reach by MRT. It is the ideal destination when you're searching for some entertainment during the evenings and nights, night markets, cafes and restaurants are waiting for you. It is also likely to find some artists performing their program on the streets, surrounded by the crowds.
    The 2004 mid-autumn-festival at Chiang Kai Shek memorial hall, was held with perfect weather conditions, under the clear sky. The perfect surrounding for the very special atmosphere of this festival. During these days B.B.Q. is the hit, and makes it sometimes even hard to walk on the pavements as everybody just puts out his grill and and chairs, starting to cook and eat for hours, as the Chinese like to celebrate.